Pinktober, Laura does 5 years

Pinktober, Laura does 5 years 23.10.15

We had fun supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month - especially Aaron

Barb is always stylish

Cathy is in pink and on-the-job

Gwen was a vision in pink

Andrew's effort was a last minute one

Feleti, thumbs up for a pink bandanna

Laura and Steph, light pink for them

Michelle had pink trousers - who knew?

P4, the pink offsets his skin tone beautifully

Pink isn't Ace's best colour but he was OK with that

Bernie was only here for a meeting but he still got into the swing of it

No pink for Bob, a happy grin instead

Brian on-the-job

Carl had pink ears and pink stockings - an awesome effort

DP had a little pink in her socks - great socks they were too

Jen's pink boa was a nice touch for her website debut

Also on debut, Kevin on his fourth day at Rapid, with Simon

Ruby and Jo, the pink 510 finishers

Iati, too staunch for pink

Tai was a reluctant subject, just a little smile today

Sheila, stealing her daughter's stuff

Mark's hospice shirt - supporting two charities today

We talked to Laura for her 5th Rapid anniversary that afternoon

And Tessa and Reisha put on a show for us all